This is friggin SIIIIIICK! The beauty is in the brutal simplicity of it all and that massive wall-o-sound.
This is friggin SIIIIIICK! The beauty is in the brutal simplicity of it all and that massive wall-o-sound.
thank you. :D
Are you actually Russian? Because that would explain why HARD BAAS. But seriously, this was a fun listen.
I'm just setting hashtags, that doesn't mean anything. And yeah I'm Russian. Cyka vodka babushka naxui blyat carpet everybody
Yo, where you get dem chiptune sound packs from? This is fantastic.
cant remember
DWAM! Is this a staged diss track between homies? Cuz if not I feel bad for Teq. LibbyShimmz turned me on to your shit mane, staying tuned for future action.
Nah, it was kind of a silly playing out of some Facebook spat. Long story short, I was posting random multis on HDC's Facebook page, Teqneek got salty about it, and then he and Mao got into an argument(?) The diss was more or less my thoughts on the whole thing.
KAREN?! WHERE- IS- MY- SUPER SUIT?! Love the use of that sample, hahaha. This shit grooves hard, my dude. Fist pumping in the club type shit.
Thank You!
I'm giving this a 5/5 for being incredibly suitable for some of the great games on here. Wouldn't exactly give it a 5/5 for being a house song, but man is this shit catchy. I can just see Megaman hopping around.
Not exactly what I was going for, but I'll take it anyways. Thanks!
I cannot WAIT for this LP! Can you use your studio magic to teleport me to the future when this is available?
When I get a rough cut finished, yes.
I could very possibly see myself, in the near future, waiting for you to finish the album for which this beat may or may not be a part. I really fuck witcha kick and percussionz here man.
Really appreciated! I've had about 3 tracks in all of my time that I've thought I could never beat, this used to be one of them, but I'm working on another track that will be an absolute bitch for me to top.
It actually is apart of an album, and it's pretty much finished at this point, and this one's apart of it. Around 8~ out of about 21 tracks aren't put up anywhere, so about 13 of the tracks for this awful album are either on here or are on SC, aint gonna say which ones they are though. I wanna figure out a good way to take the entire, uncut pie out of the oven before I throw put out the other half though.
I'd say that, due to the fact that it's half consisting of my all time personal favorite works through the past 1-1/2 and 2 years, it's more of a compilation album with the tracks hopefully being played in a good order, with Islands, Planets, M*O*T*A*S*, and Galaxy Boy being tracks I'm still pissed over not releasing yet.
I am a musician, a writer, and a gamer, and I enjoy Newgrounds so much that I decided to become a member. I play the trumpet and the drums and I write in my very rare spare time.
Age 33, Male
Warehouse Technician
Jacksonville, FL
Joined on 11/21/08